Flocking Algorithm Demo

This is a interactive scene showing off my flocking birds I've developed as part of my project in the COMP3180 - Virtual Reality and Advanced Game Development Macquarie University Unit. 

What is flocking?

Originally developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986, the Flocking Algorithm was designed to mimic the typical flocking patterns of birds, with the three primary actions of:
Cohesion -
'form a cohesive group with neighbouring birds'

Separation - 'move away from neighbours who are too close'

Alignment - 'Align path of movement with the collective direction of neighbours'


This scene aims to demonstrate the flocking algorithm I have developed over the course of this unit. Users are able to alter the weights and see how each behaviour has an impact on the behaviour of the 'Boids'.


On the bottom left of the screen is a control panel with four sliders. Adjust them to alter the weight of each behaviour.